Summer term starts today-take French!


French 08: Elhariry @ 11:  Practice in the active use of the language combined with an introduction to major aspects of French society. Each week students will write papers and participate in discussions based on books, articles, and films emphasizing social and historical concepts. NRO eligible. 
Dist:SOC; WCult:W. Prerequisite: Completion of FR3 or exemption from FR3

FRIT 37.30 @ 12:-Elhariry:  FQZ Feminist Queer Zones: Provides in-depth study of the exceptional richness of feminist and queer traditions in global francophone cultures. From nineteenth-century revolutionaries to first-wave feminists; from reproductive rights and women's suffrage to the explosive intersectionality of race, capitalism, post/colonialism, and feminism; readings by Louise Michel, Simone de Beauvoir, Monique Wittig, Anne Garréta, Françoise Vergès help us understand sexuality, gender, and identity as they evolve over time and across historical, political, and sociocultural formations.  World Culture-Culture Identity. Distributives:  INT, TMV.  NRO eligible.   XL WGSS 50.01.