Romance Languages: French
Includes two of the principal Romance languages (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese). Majors will be required to take ten major-level courses, six of which shall be selected from the primary language, and four from the secondary language. If the primary language is French, the six courses must include French 10 and one course from French 22, 23, 24, 25 (to be completed by the end of junior year). During their senior year, as their culminating activity, Romance Language majors (whose primary language is French) must take either French 78: Senior Major Workshop or, with special permission, an upper-level French course (numbered French 040 or above). Students taking an upper-level French course as their culminating experience are required to supplement the regular reading with extra materials chosen in consultation with the instructor, and to write a research or critical paper of at least twenty pages. Please contact Professor Scott Sanders, the major advisor with questions.