Italian LSA+ program in Rome-Winter 2026 application decisions emailed March 1, 2025.

LSA+ off-campus program in Rome will be offered by the Department of French and Italian.   Students live with Italian families and visit cultural and historic sites in and around Rome.   Faculty from the Department of French and Italian will direct the program.  Click here for more information.  

For more information

Contact Professor Danielle Callegari with questions about the winter 2026 program.  

Contact Professor Tania Convertini with questions about the winter 2027 program. 

Italian Advanced Language Study Abroad (LSA+) in Rome

The  (LSA+) in Rome offers mid-level courses in Italian literature and language in a city that provides the most varied cultural landscape in Italy.  This program encourages students to further refine their linguistic skills by living and studying in the stimulating environment of a modern European capital, while at the same time exploring the multimillennial continuity of Rome as locus of important medieval, Renaissance, baroque, neoclassical, modern and contemporary cultural movements.  All courses are taught in Italian. 

Prerequisite: Italian 3 with a grade of B or better. 


  • Italian 8, Exploring Italian Culture and Language, is an introduction to modern and contemporary Italian culture and society; also includes site visits aimed at exploring the cultural and artistic life of Rome over the centuries.
  • Italian 10, Introduction to Italian Literature, treats various topics chosen by the instructor.
  • Italian 12, Advanced Writing and Speaking in Italian, uses a wide range of linguistic and cultural materials in order to help students reach competence in Italian grammar, and oral and written expression.