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  • Take Italian this spring 2025

    Discover our Italian courses featuring innovative pedagogy, engaging experiential activities, and a deep sense of community. Embark on a learning journey that's not just about acquiring words and grammar. No matter your future career direction, Italian will enrich your experience with newly developed soft skills, intercultural sensitivity, and a global perspective.

    Take Italian
  • Empowering Language Learners Through Design Thinking

    Funded by a project grant from the Design Initiative at Dartmouth (DIAD), the Collaborative Conversations Project brings the innovation methodology of design thinking to language learning. Come check out the new Creative Design Thinking library in DH 213.

    Creative Thinking
  • Take French this spring 2025

    The Department of French and Italian is a strong presence in the Humanities that is committed to engaging students throughout their college careers (and beyond!). Some of the department's students choose to major in language and literature; many others connect their study of French with courses in government, economics, history or the arts.

    Take French this Fall
  • Applications are open! Deadline is tomorrow 11:59pm.

    Deadline is February 1st. Decision date is March 1st. Travel to Rome, Toulouse and Paris! Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience for any student. It's a chance to explore new cultures, learn new languages, and be exposed to new customs. Students return home with a unique and expanded perspective on the world.

    Study Abroad