French Study Abroad Programs

Language Study Abroad in Toulouse

Offered in Winter-----click here for more information

Prerequisite: French 3 with a grade of B or better or exemption from French 3. NOTE: All of the courses in the LSA+ and all of the FSP courses count toward the major or minor.

Dist: Lit; WCult: W

  • French 09.01: Exploring French Culture and Language:  With a special focus on the art and architecture of Toulouse and its region, this course gives students the linguistic and cultural tools to connect more deeply with their surroundings on the LSA+. The course has a broad historical range, from the medieval to the modern period, and provides historical context for understanding artistic, political, religious and economic developments in France. Counts toward the French minor or major.
  • French 10Introduction to French Literature. Introduction to French Literature:  Masterworks and Great Issues. This course, offered by the Dartmouth Faculty Director of the Program, deals in major figures, themes, or issues of French literature. Techniques of critical reading and interpretation are studied as an approach to these topics. Counts toward the French Major of Minor.  
  • French 12Advanced Writing and Speaking in French.  Allows students to use their growing mastery of the French language in readings and discussions of masterworks in the original language. This course is taught by our French University Faculty, and counts toward the French Major or Minor.    


Foreign Study Program (FSP) in Paris

FSP in Paris is currently offered during the Winter and Spring Terms-click here for more information

The FSP in Paris provides an advanced program of study designed to expand the curriculum of Dartmouth College into new areas of significant intellectual discovery and cultural understanding through supervised study and residence.  NOTE:  All of the LSA+ and all of the FSP courses count toward the major or the minor.

Students live with local families and take three Dartmouth courses taught exclusively in French:

  • French 29: French Civilization. This course has two parts and meets three times a week. One weekly class meeting is devoted to history and the other to art history. The history component focuses on 19th and 20th century French history using narratives drawn from a variety of disciplines, namely literature, sociology, and history. The art history component includes both classroom study and site visits, such as excursions to monuments and museums.
  • French 30: French Literature. Taught by the Dartmouth Professor who directs the program. In this course, students read representative works of French literature depending upon the choice and specialization of the director. The class may also attend plays and films in the city, or go on local excursions that are relevant to the course material, which often focuses on representations and discussions of Paris in a wide range of texts, documents, photographs, paintings, and films.
  • French 31: French Language and Civilization. Taught by Professor Mathilde Sitbon, this course is designed to improve students' spoken and written French. The review of the more complex grammatical points is combined with exposure to aspects of contemporary French society and life in France, such as the educational system, new trends in French society, every-day life in Paris, and cultural differences between France and the US. Classes will sometimes be held in the city.
  • In addition to their coursework, students explore the city and the region through short excursions to museums, architectural sites and participation in cultural events.

Prerequisites for the FSP in Paris:

  1. Students must complete French 8 (or have been exempted from French 8 during Orientation week) with a grade of B or better.
  2. Students must complete a French 10 (or have received credit for French 10 during Orientation week) with a grade of B or better. French 10 should be taken as immediately prior to the term in Paris as scheduling allows. NOTE:  French 8 and French 10 may be completed on the LSA+.
  3. Students who have received exemption from French 8 AND credit for French 10 during Orientation Week must take at least one French course at Dartmouth from among courses French 10 through French 25, with a grade of B or better, prior to participation in the Foreign Study Program.
  4. Prerequisite courses for the Foreign Study Program must not be taken NRO.

Satisfactory completion of the LSA+ program in France during the term immediately preceding the Foreign Study term.