
For the Classes of 2026 and 2027: The series of three, one-term elementary courses in ​French (French 1, 2, and 3) or Italian (Italian 1, 2, and 3) gives students the foundations they need in the language and, if they enter the language program at the elementary level, allows them to satisfy Dartmouth's language requirement. For those who are exempt from the 1, 2, 3 sequence, a single course such as French 8 -- Exploring French Culture and Language -- or Italian 9 – Language Through Culture – fulfills the College requirement.  Please see further details on the Language Requirement here.

For the Classes of 2024 and 2025: The 1, 2, 3 series of elementary courses in ​French or Italian allows students to satisfy Dartmouth's language requirement.  Students are then able to move on to intermediate courses in French (French 8, Exploring French Culture and Language and French 10, ​Introduction to French Literature) or in Italian (Italian 9, Language Through Culture, and Italian 10, Introduction to Italian Literature).  

Details regarding placement in language classes are provided below.  For more information, please contact our Language Program Directors: Professor Genevieve Oliveira for French and Professor Tania Convertini for Italian. 

French Course Placement

General Information for the French Placement Exam


A series of three one-term elementary courses in French (French 1, 2, and 3) provides students with the foundational knowledge they need in the language and satisfies Dartmouth's language requirement. Students can then advance to intermediate courses in French (French 8-Exploring French Culture and Language followed by French 10-Introduction to French Literature).

Who Should Take the Exam

• Students who have started studying French prior to their arrival at Dartmouth;

• Students who have lived in a Francophone country or have had extensive contacts with French-speaking interlocutors;

• Students who were unable to take the SAT II exam, the IB or the AP exam in French.

Pre-Submitted Scores

• Students who have submitted scores to Dartmouth for the SAT II, the IB or the AP exams will be placed according to those scores and aren't required to take the placement exam; 

• If you have never taken French before, you can enroll directly in our elementary French 1 class. However, if you speak another Romance Language, FR11 - our intensive FR1/FR2 course, might be the ideal course for you. Please contact Professor Oliveira to discuss your options.

The Exam Structure

This exam lasts 45 minutes (3 sections of 15 minutes each) and must be completed in a single session. You cannot resume it at a later date. You are not allowed to use any external help, online or offline.

Before starting the exam, complete the honor code test. The placement exam itself consists of 3 sections (A, B and C) with 40 grammar questions each. Please take all the sections of the exam to the best of your ability. 

Scores and Placement

After completing the placement exam, you will be able to access your scores on Canvas for all sections of the exam. Click "Grades" to check your score. You will need to look at the bottom of the "Grades" page to see the percentage for each exam.

• A score of 60% and higher on section A indicates a placement in French 2

• A score of 60 % and higher on section B, indicates a placement in French 3

• A score of 80% in all the three sections or a score above 65% on section C indicates that you are a candidate to be invited for an oral interview and to complete the Advanced Proficiency Exam (APE). 

Please keep in mind that these are general indications, and we will review your score holistically. Note that you could be invited for a short interview on Zoom or in person regardless of your score. We recommend taking the exam as early as possible so that we have enough time to contact you.


Language Program Director of French, Geneviève Oliveira



The number of previous courses taken in the language, and/or scores on​ the SAT II Subject Test or the CEEB Advanced Placement examination, will be used to determine placement:

French 1:  A score of 0-530 on the SAT II Subject Test

French 2:  A score of 540-600 on the SAT II Subject Test or completion of three or more years of French courses in high school

French 3:  A score of 610-710 on the SAT II Subject Text or a score of 4 on the AP

Incoming first-year students who do not have a placement in a French course level based on their SAT II or AP scores should take the French Placement 2028 exam. It is available on Canvas from August 1 to September 5-link:  For any questions, please contact Professor Genevieve Oliveira at

Exemption from French 8: Dartmouth's Advanced Proficiency Exam

Entering students who have been exempted from French 1, 2, and 3 are eligible to take the Advanced Proficiency Test (APT) during New Student Orientation should  reach out to Professor Oliveira for more information.  

The APT exam helps determine student readiness for classes centered on culture, literature, and history that assume good knowledge of French language. A score of 90% places you out of the intermediate course French 8 (Exploring French Culture and Language), and into French 10 (Introduction to French Literature). French 10 is the first course that counts toward a minor in French or a major in French, French Studies or Romance Languages.  

The APT exam takes about an hour, and you do not need to prepare; it seeks to determine your current level. You will receive the results of your exam in time, so that you can register for the right level course when making your course selections. 


The following scores/grades will exempt students from the Classes of '23, '24 and '25 from the Language Requirement:

1. A score of 5 on the CEEB Advanced Placement examination.

2. A score of 720 or higher on the SAT II Subject Test.

3. A grade of 6 or 7 on the Higher Level International Baccalaureate (IB).

4. A grade of "A" on the British A-Level.


General Information for the Italian Placement Exam on Canvas


A series of three one-term elementary courses in Italian (Italian 1, 2, and 3) provides students with the foundational knowledge they need in the language and satisfies Dartmouth's language requirement. Students can then advance to intermediate courses in Italian (Italian 9 - Italian Culture, followed by Italian 10 - Introduction to Italian Literature).

Who Should Take the Exam

You should take this placement exam only if you have previous knowledge of Italian. If you have never studied Italian before, you can enroll in our elementary Italian 1 class. However, if you speak another Romance Language, our intensive IT11 - IT1/IT2 course might be the ideal option for you. Please contact Professor Convertini, the Language Director, to discuss your options.

Pre-Submitted Scores

Students who have submitted SAT II or AP exam scores to Dartmouth will be placed according to those scores and are not required to take the placement exam. If you have submitted your scores but are unsure about your proficiency and placement, we recommend taking the placement exam. Please contact Professor Convertini to discuss your choices.

The Exam Structure

The placement exam consists of:
A. 90 multiple-choice questions (divided into three sections) that test the use of grammar in context.
B. A set of 3 reading comprehension tests (divided into sections) with multiple-choice questions.

Please complete all sections of the exam to the best of your ability.
Check your email regularly after submitting the exam for communications about your placement.

Scores and Placement

After completing the placement exam, you will be able to access your scores on Canvas for all sections of the exam. Click "Grades" to check your score. You will need to look at the bottom of the "Grades" page to see the percentage for each exam.

• A score of 70% and higher on the Italian 1 exam indicates placement in Italian 2.
• A score of 70% and higher on the Italian 2 exam indicates placement in Italian 3.
• A score of 90% and higher on all three exams indicates that you are a candidate for language exemption and will receive an invitation for an oral interview.

Please keep in mind that these are general indications and we will review your score holistically. Note that you could be invited for a short interview on Zoom or in person regardless of your score. We recommend taking the exam as early as possible so that we have enough time to contact you.


Language Program Director: Tania Convertini


Incoming first-year students who do not have a placement in an Italian course level based on their SAT II or AP scores can take the Online Written and Oral Exam from August 1 - September 5, 2024. For any questions, please contact Professor Tania Convertini.

Exemption from the Italian Language Requirement (Italian 1, 2, 3)

The following scores/grades will exempt students from the Classes of '23, '24 and '25 from the Language Requirement:

1. A score of 5 on the CEEB Advanced Placement examination.

2. A score of 720 or higher on the SAT II Subject Test.


Italian Advanced Placement Additional Information

Students interested in seeking Advanced Placement in Italian should inquire with Professor Tania Convertini at