
Please note that whether or not students have an individual advisor, all minor plans and subsequent changes must be approved by the French or Italian Minor Advisor.


Prerequisite: Complete ITAL 8 through the Italian L.S.A.+ or ITAL 9 on campus

Course requirements for the minor in Italian: 6 courses numbered ITAL 10 or above, excluding ITAL 11 (ITAL 6 taken on the Italian L.S.A. may count toward the minor); 3 of the 6 must be numbered above ITAL 12; 3 of the 6 may be numbered Ital 12 or below; Ital 10 is required for the minor and may be taken on campus or on the L.S.A.+.  With the approval of the Italian Minor Advisor, ITAL 10 may be counted toward the minor twice, provided the course topics are different. Along with ITAL 10 on the LSA+, ITAL 12 taken on the L.S.A.+ may count toward the minor. If ITAL 9 is taken on campus and Ital 8 is taken on the L.S.A.+, ITAL 8 will count as fulfilling the prerequisite for the minor and Ital 9 may count toward the minor. Of the 3 of the 6 courses required for the minor that must be numbered above ITAL 12: One must be a course from the pre-1800 period (ITAL 21, ITAL 22, ITAL 23, ITAL 33, ITAL 34); One must be a course from the post-1800 period (ITAL 24, ITAL 25, ITAL 26, ITAL 35, FRIT 93). FRIT and Italian courses taught in English (ITAL 33, ITAL 34, ITAL 35, ITAL 37, FRIT 93) may count toward the minor if the student attends a weekly x-hour and does the reading and all written work in Italian. 

Italian Minor Advisor

Professor Danielle Callegari
307C Dartmouth Hall
Danielle Callegari


Prerequisite for the minor: FREN 8.

The minor consists of six courses. The minor must include: FREN 10; one of the following: FREN 21, FREN 22, FREN 23, FREN 24, FREN 25; and four other advanced courses above the level of FREN 10, (excluding FREN 11). FREN 9.01 taken on the French LSA+ Toulouse program supersedes FREN 8 as the prerequisite and counts toward the minor or major. Among the courses taken on campus, at least one course must treat literature from before the nineteenth century, and at least one course must treat literature from the nineteenth century to the present. All three courses offered on the L.S.A.+ (FREN 9.01, FREN 10 and FREN 12) and/or on the F.S.P. (FREN 29, FREN 30, FREN 31) count toward the minor or major. FREN 10 may be counted toward the minor only once. FRIT courses taught in English (see French and Italian in Translation) may count toward the minor or major if the student attends a weekly x-hour and does the reading and  written work in French. A maximum of one transfer course may count toward the minor. The French minor plan must be approved by the French Minor Advisor, Professor Rob St. Clair.