Applications are open! Deadline is tomorrow 11:59pm.

Experience life in a different culture.  Explore the opportunities to spend a term immersed in a culture other than your own. Make the most of the world around you by taking your education abroad. From here, the sky is the limit!

Click here to apply on the Guarini website

Upcoming events can be reviewed on the Guarini events page. Read on for a summary:

Study Abroad While You're Abroad: Studying Away as an International Student
1/14 5-6 PM, Hybrid event. Collis 101 & Zoom options.
A hybrid panel event where international students talk about their experiences studying away on Guarini Institute programs and offer advice for other international students interested in studying away.
Register here

Study Away Information Session
1/23 12-1 PM, Zoom
Students are invited to an informational session on study away programs. We will review different types of programs, the application process, and have time to answer questions.
Register here

Study Away Application Workshop
1/31 4-7 PM, Paganucci Lounge
Students are invited to drop-in and join Guarini Institute staff and Student Alumni Mentors for an application workshop! Food and guidance will be provided.
No registration required - just stop by! :)

If none of these times/dates work for you but you still have questions about studying away, please contact the Guarini Instituteschedule a time to speak with me, or feel free to contact a Study Away Mentor.