Great Opportunity to Work and Study in France!

Dear French majors and minors,

During your time at Dartmouth, you have probably met one of the graduate students from Lyon who organize activities in the French apartments and serve as ATs each year.  Now we are inviting you to participate in what is in fact an exchange program allowing the French section to offer a one-year position as an English assistant.  In the past students usually taught in a secondary school while auditing courses at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. However, we’re excited and pleased to annonce that the exchange will henceforth involve a position as a lecteur/lectrice teaching in the English section at the Université de Lyon II!

The University describes the terms of the position as follows:

  • A teaching obligation of 200 hours contact time over the whole year (averaging around 8 hours a week). All hours done above this limit are paid as overtime, by the hour. Students work in the English department, occasionally with the Applied Language Department, which has an English "stream," and are generally asked to take charge of classes helping French students with their oral proficiency ("pratique orale"). However, depending on the profile of the student, students in the exchange programme may also take charge of introductory US literature or US "civilisation" classes!
  • A stipend of a little over €1200 net / month for 12 months. 
  • Lecteurs are welcome to audit or take classes for credit.
  • The academic year begins mid-September, although it is wise to arrive by early September, with most teaching over by early May.

Although Lyon II offers no official help with lodging, they have also communicated that this has almost never posed a problem. Indeed, former lecteurs frequently offer help, information, and astuces.

If you would like to be considered to this position, please submit the following to Professors Kathleen Wine ( ) and Robert St.Clair ( ) by Monday, February 9th:

1. A brief statement explaining why you are applying for this position and how you expect to profit from a year in Lyon.

2. A sample of your best writing in French. (E.g., a paper for one of your classes)

3.  Two letters of recommendation from members of the French department.  This may take the form of an informal e-mail to profs Wine and St.Clair.

We think this position offers a wonderful opportunity for our students to continue their French studies “sur place,” vastly improve their linguistic and cultural proficiency in French, and indeed make life-long connections and friendships. We look forward to reading your dossiers.

Best wishes,

Kathleen Wine

Robert St.Clair