Maximilien Novak

Academic Appointments
  • Lecturer in French

  • Lecturer in History


Dartmouth Hall, Room 210
HB 6087


French and Italian


  • B.A. (French Literature) Université Paris IV Sorbonne
  • B.A. (Philosophy) Université Paris IV Sorbonne
  • M.A. (Comparative Literature) Université Paris IV Sorbonne
  • M.A. (French Literature and Musicology) Ecole Normale Supérieure (rue d'Ulm), Paris
  • Ph.D. (History) Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
  • Ph.D. (French Literature) University of Chicago

Selected Publications

  • Books

    -Poésies et traductions oubliées de Félix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (Honoré Champion, 2017).

    -Napoléon et l'Empire des Lettres (Presses Universitaires de France, 2023).

    -(edited) Power on trial : Public opinion and Political legitimacy from the Enlightenement to the Napoleonic era (Classiques Garnier, 2024).

    -Napoléon immobile à grands pas: grandeur et décadence d'un Empire (Presses Universitaires de France, under contract).

    Articles, reviews, and book chapters 

    -(book review) "Les sources archivistiques et historiques du Premier Empire", Pia Donato, Maria, L'archivio del mondo, Quando Napoleone confisco la storia. Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales (Cambridge University Press, Volume 74, n°4, September 2019).

    -(article) "Napoléon et l'Empire de l'opinion", French Cultural Studies (SAGE, Issue 2,  May 2021).

    -(book chapter) "Thermomètre et variation de l'opinion publique : généalogie d'une métaphore scientifique et politique", in Power on Trial: Public opinion and Political legitimacy from the Enlightenment to the Napoleonic era (Classiques Garnier, 2024).

    -(book review) "The sound and the fury: public opinion and propaganda under the French Empire", Ploux, François, Bruits public : Rumeurs et charisme napoléonien 1814-1823, H-net, forthcoming.

    -(book chapter) "War on culture : German intellectual elites under French occupation (1806-1814)", in Winning the peace? Managing the Empire (War, Culture and Society series, edited by Rafe Blaufarb, Alan Forrest, Karen Hagemann,  Palgrave Macmillan, under contract).