Tania Convertini

|Research Asst Professor
Academic Appointments

Research Assistant Professor and Language Program Director of Italian

Connect with Us

I have been teaching Italian language and culture in the United States since 2002, experiencing a variety of different academic settings. What I find in all language students, beyond their cultural background and their ultimate educational goal, is the desire to engage with language at an experiential level. I have found that bringing to class elements of culture, literature, film, theater, and authentic readings makes the learning experience meaningful and deep.

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(603 )646-3271
Dartmouth Hall, Room 307D
HB 6087

Selected Publications

  • “Sbagliare si può e si deve. Rodari e il suo divertente museo degli errori”. Insula Europea. November 11, 2020


  • “La didattica e la distanza. Ricordando Alberto Manzi”. Tania Convertini and Roberto Farnè. Education 2.0. Web. August 8. 2020

  • “Inventare storie è una cosa seria: impegno e responsabilità civile in Gianni Rodari” Infanzia. N. 3. 2020 pp. 184-189.


    “Soggettiva su Notturno”. Antinomie. Web. 26 Settembre. 2020

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