Boston Consulate Literary award given to Matthew Capone
Matthew Capone, a student with the Italian program, was awarded the Boston Capital of Italian Creativity literary prize at the office of the Italian consulate on February 28th.
[more]Matthew Capone, a student with the Italian program, was awarded the Boston Capital of Italian Creativity literary prize at the office of the Italian consulate on February 28th.
[more]ITAL 37.12: Premodern Italy & Food; A Bite-Sized History of Italy:The Story of how Italy became Italy through Food & Beverage Culture
[more]The program has allowed thousands of students to hone their language skills while helping their peers and gaining pedagogical confidence. The elementary language sequence consists of professor-led classes enhanced by additional small-group practice sessions known as "drill."
[more]The inaugural cohort will collaborate with house leadership teams to expand program offerings geared toward intellectual engagement and deepening faculty-student connections.
[more]On June 11th, a ceremony was hosted under the Dome of L'Académie française to present to Professor Novak the "Prix de la Fondation Tilsit 2024 pour la diplomatie" from the Institut de France for his research on the history of French Diplomacy under Napoleon.