
Major programs may be organized historically, around a genre (like poetry, drama, or prose fiction), or around a period concept or movement (such as the Enlightenment, baroque, classicism and romanticism, or existentialism).  Major programs normally include at least one term of study in France.  All of the LSA+ and/or all of the FSP courses count towards the major.

Prerequisite: French 8

The French Major consists of ten (minimum) or more courses above the level of FREN 8, excluding FREN 11 and FREN 15. FREN 9.01 taken on the French LSA+ Toulouse program supersedes FREN 8 as the prerequisite for the major, and counts toward the major. Each major must include a FREN 10 (prerequisite for all upper-level courses), (1) either FREN 20 or FREN 21; (2) either FREN 22 or FREN 23; and (3) either FREN 24 or FREN 25 (to be completed by the end of the junior year). FREN 10and FREN 12 taken on the L.S.A.+, and FREN 29, FREN 30, and FREN 31 taken on the F.S.P., may count toward the major. FRIT courses taught in English (see French and Italian in Translation) may count toward the major if the student attends a weekly x-hour and does reading and all written work in French. During their senior year, as their culminating experience, majors must take either FREN 78: Senior Major Workshop or, with special permission, an upper-level French course (numbered FREN 40 or above). Students taking an upper-level FREN course as their culminating experience are required to supplement the regular reading with extra materials chosen in consultation with the instructor, and to write a research or critical paper of at least twenty pages. French courses numbered 40 and above may be taken for major credit more than once in cases where the topic is different.  The French major plan must be approved by the French Major Advisor, Professor Scott Sanders.