
Major programs may be organized historically, around a genre (like poetry, drama, or prose fiction), or around a period concept or movement (such as the Enlightenment, baroque, classicism and romanticism, or existentialism). Major programs normally include one term of study in Italy.  Two of the LSA+ courses count towards the major or the minor.

Please contact Danielle Callegari the major/minor advisor for Italian with any questions. 

The Major in Italian

  • Prerequisite: Complete ITAL 8 through the Italian L.S.A.+, or ITAL 9 on campus
  • Course requirements for the major:
  • 8 courses numbered ITAL 10 or above, excluding ITAL 11 (***see the exception below).
    • 5 of the 8 must be numbered above ITAL 12.
    • 3 of the 8 may be numbered Ital 12 or below.
      • ITAL 10 is required for the major and may be taken on campus or on the L.S.A.+.  With the approval of the Italian Major Advisor, ITAL 10 may be counted toward the major twice, provided the course topics are different.
      • Along with ITAL 10 on the LSA+, ITAL 12 taken on the L.S.A.+ may count toward the major. 
      • ***If ITAL 9 is taken on campus and Ital 8 is taken on the L.S.A.+, ITAL 8 will count as fulfilling the prerequisite for the major and Ital 9 may count toward the major.
    • Of the 5 of the 8 courses required for the major that must be numbered above ITAL 12:
      • At least two must be courses from the pre-1800 period (ITAL 21, ITAL 22, ITAL 23, ITAL 33, ITAL 34).
      • At least two courses must be from the post-1800 period ( ITAL 24, ITAL 25, ITAL 26, ITAL 35, FRIT 93).
      • FRIT and Italian courses taught in English (FRIT 31, ITAL 33, ITAL 34, ITAL 35, ITAL 37,) may count toward the major if the student attends a weekly x-hour and does the reading and all of the written work in Italian.
  • Senior culmination in the major: Majors must complete a culminating activity.  Two options are available for the culminating activity, both of which include an oral presentation of the completed project.  For the culminating activity, students may take:
    • ITAL 88: Senior Independent Reading and Research


      a) Take ITAL 88: Senior Independent Reading and Research, in which they are required to write a critical or research paper of at least 20 pages; OR
      b) Take an upper-level course numbered ITAL 26 or above, in which they are required to supplement course readings and activities with extra assignments chosen in consultation with the instructor, and to write a critical or research paper of at least 20 pages; OR
      c) Write a senior thesis (see Requirements for the Honors Major in Italian.)>>>>>>


The Honors Major in Italian

  • Prerequisite: Complete ITAL 8 through the Italian L.S.A.+, or ITAL 9 on campus
  • Course requirements for the major:
  • 9 courses numbered ITAL 10 or above, excluding ITAL 11 (***see the exception below.)
    • 6 of the 9 must be numbered above ITAL 12 and must include ITAL 89 (the thesis).
    • 3 of the 9 may be numbered Ital 12 or below.
      • ITAL 10 is required for the major and may be taken on campus or on the L.S.A.+.  With the approval of the Italian Major Advisor, ITAL 10 may be counted toward the major twice, provided the course topics are different.
      • Along with ITAL 10 on the LSA+, ITAL 12 taken on the L.S.A.+ may count toward the major. 
      • ***If ITAL 9 is taken on campus and Ital 8 is taken on the L.S.A.+, ITAL 8 will count as fulfilling the prerequisite for the major and Ital 9 may count toward the major.
    • Of the 6 of the 9 courses required for the major that must be numbered above ITAL 12:
      • At least two must be courses from the pre-1800 period (ITAL 21, ITAL 22, ITAL 23, ITAL 33, ITAL 34).
      • At least two courses must be from the post-1800 period (FRIT 31,  ITAL 24, ITAL 25, ITAL 26, ITAL 35).
      • FRIT and Italian courses taught in English (FRIT 31, ITAL 33, ITAL 34, ITAL 35, ITAL 37) may count toward the major if the student attends a weekly x-hour and does the reading and all of the written work in Italian.
      • ITAL 88 is required for the thesis and must be taken in senior year.
      • ITAL 89 is required for the thesis and must be taken in senior year.
  • Thesis:
    • Identify and contact a potential faculty thesis advisor and submit the thesis proposal to the advisor by June 1 of the junior year.  In the proposal, provide:
      • The topic
      • A brief bibliography of summer research readings.Enroll in ITAL 88 in the fall or winter term of the senior year.
    • Enroll in ITAL 89 in the winter and spring terms of the senior year.
    • Submit final thesis to the thesis advisor by mid-May in the senior year.
    • Provide public oral presentation by mid-late May in the senior year.
    • Submit an electronic final copy of the thesis to the department by mid-May.